Childcare, Early Years & Childhood Studies

Childcare is forecast to be one of the top five occupations in the UK.

What You Will Study

This study programme will cover a range of the topics and units at each level, some of which are listed below:

  • Using Technology with Young Children
  • Healthy Eating for Families
  • Understanding Learning and Development Through Play
  • Growth and Development of Young Children
  • Preparing for Next Steps
  • How You Will Be Assessed

    You will be assessed to make sure you understand what you have been taught, through completing workbooks, writing essays, producing leaflets, answering questions or through presentation and practical tasks in the classroom. You will be set homework each week, the amount will be dependent on the level of course.

  • Entry Requirements

    No formal entry requirements.

  • Further Study

    On successful completion and with the required English and Maths grades you can progress through the levels.

Childcare, Early Years & Childhood Studies at Castleford College

Industry links

We have strong links with local nurseries, daycare providers and schools where some of our students complete their placement hours and gain valuable experience.

Childcare student in the classroom

Fun ways to learn

Our students are always experiencing new ways to learn so that they can apply this to their own practice. Each year we take our students to local Forest Schools where they learn the importance of learning outdoors, team building and problem solving.

Students on an outdoor camping residential


Our students get the opportunity to go on enrichment trips such as Yorkshire Wildlife Park and Scarborough Beach to celebrate all their hard work over the year.

Students on seaside beachresidential

Childcare, Early Years & Childhood Studies Courses