• Horticulture
  • Wakefield College
Lecturer Richard Brown with horticulture students
Lecturer Richard Brown (centre) planting with horticulture students

Wakefield College’s horticulture department received 100 native trees last month to be planted as a hedge around the newly established orchard at the Thornes Park horticulture site.

As part of a nationwide project run by The Woodland Trust to engage young people in planting trees, the charity has given away 100,000 native trees and Wakefield College was lucky enough to be chosen to receive some.

Lecturer Richard Brown said: “The orchard contains a variety of nine apple trees that previous students have grafted during sessions with The Northern Fruit Group. Growing a native hedge around the area will not only provide a range of opportunities for the students to learn new skills, but we hope it will provide a haven for birds and insects. This has been a great learning experience for our students. We are thankful to the Woodland Trust for the support and look forward to seeing the hedge develop.”