What You Will Study

The content of this qualification has been designed to give the learners the knowledge and skills required to work safely on Electric/Hybrid vehicles whilst carrying out routine maintenance. This may include vehicles that may have or had damage to their high energy/electrical system.

  • Attendance Expectations

    Day courses will typically be 9.00am – 5.00pm. 
    Any online assessments will be carried out during the afternoon of the second day.

    Evening courses will be 5.00pm – 9.00pm.
    These are spread over five evenings, over a two-week period, with any exams completed on the fifth evening.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    You will be assessed through an online assessment, oral questions, written and practical assessments.

  • Entry Requirements

    Learner entry for this qualification should be assessed on an individual basis. Selection criteria for entry should take into account each applicant's existing academic/vocational qualifications and experience in working in the retail automotive industry.

  • Fee Information

    These fees relate to 2024/25:
