What You Will Study

A Level Maths is divided into two areas; Core and Applied. Core Maths builds upon your knowledge from GCSE in topics such as Algebra, Coordinate Geometry, and Trigonometry. It also introduces many new areas such as Calculus (Differentiation and Integration), and Series. Applied Maths is all about Maths in the real world, which includes Mechanics and Statistics. Some of the topics covered include Newton’s Second Law, Kinematics, Linear Regression, and Probability.

There may be the option for exceptional mathematicians to study Further Maths, which is also divided into Core and Applied. Core Further Maths includes topics on Complex Numbers and Matrices, while the Applied section introduces Decision Maths, a relatively new area of Maths concerning Algorithms and Processes. (Note that Further Maths will only run subject to sufficient numbers).

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    A Level exams will be at the end of two years and will form your entire grade. There will be two 2-hour exams and one exam lasting 1 hour and 15 minutes on the whole of the course content (AS and A2); two Core exams and one Applied.

  • Entry Requirements

    5 GCSEs at Grade 9-4, including English Language.


    Grade 6 in Maths.

  • Further Study

    You can go on to Higher Education to study degrees in maths, statistics, physics, astronomy, engineering and computer science. Many other degrees, including medicine, architecture and social sciences, have a certain amount of mathematical or statistical content and your Maths A Level will be of great assistance to you.

    Maths is regarded as a 'facilitating subject' which will increase your chance of progression to a Russell Group University.