Two female students in a business and management classroom.

What You Will Study

Whilst the selection of units may vary each year, learners may study:

  • Being Organised
  • Developing a Personal Progression Plan
  • Working with Others
  • Researching a topic
  • Finding out about businesses in your area
  • Organising a meeting
  • Branding a Product
  • Presenting a business idea
  • Contributing to running an event
  • Communicating with customers
  • How You Will Be Assessed

    Assessments will also be varied to ensure you have every opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge. You may be assessed through practical tasks, short-answer questions, research tasks, written assignments, producing visual displays such as leaflets, observations of role-play.

    Students may also undertake research, case studies and investigations, presenting your findings in a variety of formats such as reports, brochures and presentations that you might find in working situations within the industry. At Level 3 there are two examined units per year.

  • Entry Requirements

    3 GCSEs at Grade 9-1.