What You Will Study

You'll study a range of theoretical and work-related components which will enhance your understanding of working with in the health and social care sector.

You will have the opportunity to choose a topic for an independent research project (dissertation) which will contribute to your knowledge of a specific area.

Modules studied can include:

  • Substance Misuse in Health and Well-being
  • Inequalities in Health
  • Leadership & Management for Health and Well-being
  • Community Health and Well-being
  • Dissertation
  • Attendance Expectations

    Ideally, this course will run two days per week 09.00am to 17.00pm, but this cannot be guaranteed due to timetabling restrictions.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    Knowledge is assessed by means of assignments, reports, portfolios and assessed presentations. You will have the opportunity to choose a topic for a an independent research project (dissertation) that will contribute to your knowledge of a specific topic. You are also advised to be employed in or undertake placement in a health and social care setting.

  • Entry Requirements

    A performance-based foundation degree, HND, or other Level 5 qualification (minimum average grade across Level 5 of 50%)


    Those with previous experience or learning that is relevant may be eligible via our Accredited Prior Learning (APL) process for accreditation towards this course.

    All applicants must complete a satisfactory interview.

    Students who have not previously completed a Level 5 research module may be required to undertake a short bridging module prior to the start of the programme which is designed to ensure that students are able to undertake the academic demands of Level 6 study.

    This bridging programme holds no additional fees and affords the learner an opportunity to receive information, advice an guidance regarding suitability of programme. The learners will commence the BSc (Hons) in Health and Well-being at the same staring point as those learners not undertaking the bridging course.

    Applicants wishing to APL will also be considered. The College’s APL Code of Practice enables students with academic qualifications and those with experiential, work-based qualifications to apply for programmes of study by producing a portfolio of evidence.

  • Fee Information


  • Further Study

    Graduates from the programme will have the opportunity to further their academic studies through a Post Graduate degree in a related topic at another institution. For those with a particular interest in teaching Wakefield College also offer a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).