The Freedom of Information Act gives the right to request information held by public authorities, companies wholly owned by public authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and non-devolved public bodies in Scotland.

What is the purpose of the FoIA?
The Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) is intended to give the public greater access to information about the workings of public authorities. This will mean increased transparency and accountability, which will raise the quality of public administration.

What does the FoIA do?
The FoIA gives the public a general right of access to all types of ‘recorded’ information held by public authorities from 1 January 2005, subject to certain exemptions. Public authorities also have to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme.

What is the publication scheme?
The FoIA places a duty on public authorities to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme. The Publication Scheme must set out the types of information we intend to publish on an ongoing basis, the form in which the information is published and details of any charges.

Publication scheme

  • Who we are and what we do?

    Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.

    Legal and corporate status Description Format Fee
    Legal framework This class contains information relating to how the College was established and its standing from the point of view of the law. The corporate status of Wakefield College Corporation is conferred by the relevant statutes, in particular the Education Reform Act of 1988 and the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. The legislation is publicly available on the HMSO web site:

    Every educational institution (University, Further or Higher Education College) has a legal basis, which forms its legal status. Wakefield College Corporation’s legal status is derived from the Instruments and Articles of Government. This information is publicly available on the DfES Internet:
    Internet No
    How the College is organised Organisation chart
    Senior Team structure
    Governing Body
    Location and contact details   Internet No

  • What we spend and how we spend it

    Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

    Legal and corporate status Description Format Fee
    Funding/Income Sources of funding and income, such as funding grants, tuition fees, endowment and investment income Email No
    Budgetary and account information Annual statement of accounts Email No
    Financial Audit Reports Audit Reports Email No
    Capital Programme Information on major plans for capital expenditure Email No
    Financial Regulations and Procedures Financial Regulations and Procedures Email No
    Staff pay and grading structure Levels of pay scales as part of organisational structure Email No
    Register of suppliers Schedule of suppliers Email No
    Procurement tender procedures and reports Within Financial Regulations Email No
    Contracts Contracts that have been through the formal tendering process Paper No

  • What our priorities are and how we are doing

    Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.

    Legal and corporate status Description Format Fee
    Annual Report Annual Report Email No
    Corporate and Business Plan Strategic Plan Email No
    Teaching and Learning Strategy Teaching and Learning Strategy Email No
    Academic Quality and Standards Student results
    Self Assessment Report
    Student Survey Results
    External Review Information Ofsted Report
    Matrix Standard Report
    IiP Report
    Corporate Relations Business Services Internet No
    Government and Regulatory Reports Internal and Financial Statements Audit Reports (Executive Summaries) Email No

  • How we make decisions

    Decision making processes and records of decisions.

    Legal and corporate status Description Format Fee
    Minutes from the Governing Body and Academic Board Finance, Employment and General Purposes Committee
    Audit Committee
    Search Committee
    Quality and Standards Committee
    Remuneration Committee
    Trust Fund Meeting
    Minutes of Staff/Student Consultation Meetings Student Consultative Committees Email No
    Appointment Committees and Procedures Recruitment and Retention Policy Email No

  • Our policies and procedures

    Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.

    Legal and corporate status Description Format Fee
    Policies and Procedures for Conducting College Business   Email No
    Procedures and Policies relating to Academic Services Full range of policies relating to students. Examples include Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, Assessment Policy, Counselling Policy, Tutorial Policy, Learner Support Funds Policy. Email No
    Procedures and Policies relating to Human Resources Full range of policies relating to staff.
    Examples include Terms and Conditions of Employment, Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures, Sickness Absence Reporting Procedure, Job Evaluation Procedure.
    Email No
    Procedures and Policies relating to Recruitment Recruitment and Retention Policy Email No
    Code of Conduct for Members of the Governing Body Governors Handbook Paper No
    Equality and Diversity Full range of policies relating to equality and diversity, such as the Single Equality Scheme, Disability Statement, Medical Needs Policy. Email No
    Health and Safety Full range of policies relating to health and safety, such as Smoking Policy, Health and Safety at Work Policy. Email No
    Estate Management Full range of policies relating to estates, such as Accommodation Strategy, Car Parking Policy, Environmental Policy. Email No
    Complaints Policies and Procedures Complaints Procedure Email No
    Records Management and Personal Data Policies Data Protection Policy
    Freedom of Information Act Guidelines

  • Lists and registers

    Legal and corporate status Description Format Fee
    Asset Registers College Asset Register
    Learning Centre Catalogue
    Disclosure Logs Data Protection Requests (outline)
    FoIA Requests (outline)

  • The services we offer

    Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters.

    Legal and corporate status Description Format Fee
    Prospectus and course content Prospectus Internet No
    Careers advice Learner Support Internet No
    Chaplaincy services Learner Support Internet No
    Services available to the public Gaskells Restaurant
    Elements Hair & Beauty Salon
    Learning Centre (Library and Computer Centre) Learning Centre information Email No
    Conference facilities Gaskells Restaurant conference venue available for external bookings Internet No
    Advice and Guidance Contact Course Information on 01924 789111 Internet No
    Media Releases Latest News & Events Internet No

How to obtain information

The policy of Wakefield College is to be as open as possible and to supply the information you have requested, but we have to withhold certain information.

The FoIA sets out a series of exemptions to protect confidential or other information where disclosure may prejudice the interests of the College or of third parties. Decisions about refusal of access to information, the way in which access is given or the level of fees or charges, are also subject to review. The two review processes are set out opposite.

Internal review
If you are dissatisfied with the response from Wakefield College you may seek an internal review of that decision. That review will be undertaken by a senior Wakefield College manager who has not previously been involved with your request.

Review by the Information Commissioner
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, or the handling of the internal review you may seek an independent review from the Information Commissioner.

Requests for an internal review or a review by the Information Commissioner should be submitted in writing to:

The Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Telephone: 01625 545700
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.