What You Will Study

Whilst on this course you will study a range of different units, including:


  • Textual Analysis
  • Written Language Analysis
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Historical Language


  • Theories of Crime and Deviance
  • The sociology of Mental Illness
  • Social Divisions
  • Further Issues in Sociology


  • Psychology: Approaches and Methods
  • Conformity and Obedience
  • Psychology: Approaches and Methods

Academic Research

Academic Studies

  • Research
  • Presentation and Reflection
  • Digital Skills
  • How You Will Be Assessed

    Assessment takes place through course assignments and examinations. Each of Level 3 unit will be graded Pass, Merit or Distinction. In addition, you will take Study Skills and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Methods units which are ungraded but you must pass them to achieve the qualification.

  • Entry Requirements

    GCSE Grade 9-4 in English and Maths


    Functional Skills Level 2 in English and Maths

  • Fee Information

    These fees relate to 2024/25:


  • Further Study

    The Access to HE Humanities and Social Sciences allows students to develop their skills in preparation for progression to university, students who successfully complete this course progress to study:

    • Social Work
    • Teaching
    • English
    • History
    • Psychology