• Computing
  • English & Humanities
  • Selby College
  • A Levels
  • School Leavers

“I’m going to study Computer Science at Lancaster University after achieving all As in my A Levels. I’ve always wanted to do Computer Science as my ultimate goal would be to get a job in Cybersecurity in the future. I really enjoyed the course work we got to do in English Language because we had the freedom to choose the topic, so I found it really interesting. My biggest takeaway from College has been independent learning as I was able to find out what revision worked well for me and what doesn’t. I also learnt how to write essays and skills that I will actually apply to my degree-level studies. I got lots of support from my tutors, especially in form groups, as well as in my one-to-one meetings. My English teacher also showed that she cared about not just the work, but me as a person and how I was generally getting on at College. If I needed anything - I knew I could always ask her for help.”

A Levels - Computer Science (A), English Language (A) and Law (A)