• Digital Industries
  • Wakefield College
Photo of digital industries student Dan

“Creating games is my favourite part of the course. I like the process of gathering research, references, building ideas and iterating them. In my first year, I got to try everything out as the College has all the programs and computers that you need. In my second year, I have been able to specialise in programming and art, using my preferred programming language, C#.”
“I love the creative process on this course and I have learnt to creative visually appealing games. I would like to go to University in Scotland to do a Bachelor’s degree in Game Design and go on to become an Indie Games Developer, creating thematic and narrative PC games for people. I recommend the course and think more people should challenge themselves with programming.”


Dan won a wall design competition hosted by the college in partnership with Escape Technology.

“Initially I was very ecstatic when I received the information that I had won the competition because it was genuinely unexpected and surprising. It took a lot of iterations and planning in order to create the design because I tried to encapsulate the identity of Wakefield College and Escape Technology and in the end managed to create the winning design. To create the design I researched what Escape Technology is as a company and their brand and took this inspiration for the colour scheme and the layout. I used software like Photoshop which I had experience in but learnt new features specifically for this project that made the design stand out and pop. The competition was fun and engaging and I liked the challenging aspects of it and tried to put in the effort it deserved. With the prize of the competition I managed to finally buy the microphone I wanted for a long time which will help me create audio and music for future game projects. I hope in the future to create games that will impact people the same way games have impacted me.”

Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology (Game Development)